Lets Introduce the Oct Babies!

Posted by - IaNtaN - | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, October 26, 2008

Behind the curtain of Oct 1st is Beverly . ( No pics available coz only known this nice lady ) Happy Birthday Bev! Keeeeep on Rollin'! xD

Behind curtain of 22nd is Koh Yunn Teng. The always smiling yet very cheeky yet mushroomish friend of mine. Here's the pic of hers with me a year ago. ==. ( Mine was cropped ) Just to avoid ANY suspicion. xD.
Sorry couldn't be there for everything. But hey, we'll be grrreaattt buddies aight! Happy Birthday yo!

Behind curtain of 24th is my man Alex Ho. The dude that will always be that dude of another dude. Happy Belated Birthday Man! Roooool on dude!

This one is special. This is muh best friend LEE! Nehh. Its Lee Lian. I call her Lee like in those Rush Hour where Tucker call Jackie, "Lee" some sort of it. Hahaha!
Let me tell you, she's the man. Whenever I need her she'll be there fo' sure! Share problems with her and sorrows. We were classmates of 3 years of F1,F2 and F3. Can I just say you're so chunted in any single way?! xD
Happy Birthday my dear Friend! *notice I big-cased the F for friend*
This is mua and her in Lim's party earlier this year. * no better pics of yours la *

Whereas the 26th, I'll be blogging on the next post. More pics to come! xD

Stay tuned .....

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