A Friend

Posted by - IaNtaN - | Posted in | Posted on Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm only writing this post now is for a friend of mine. No names shall be mentioned. If anyone of you out there knows what am I talking about, please, keep it to yourself. I just wanna respect for the friend of mine. Please understand and appreciate.
You see, I am very saddened by the friend of mine. She have this depression which I have wiki-ed it across the web.

In the fields of psychology and psychiatry, the terms depression or depressed refer to both expected and pathologically chronic or severe levels of sadness, perceived helplessness, disinterest, and other related emotions and behaviours. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) states that a depressed mood is often reported as being: "depressed, sad, hopeless, discouraged, or 'down in the dumps'." In traditional colloquy, "depressed" is often synonymous with "sad," but both clinical and non-clinical depression can also refer to a conglomeration of more than one feeling. Such a mixture can include (but is not limited to) anger, fear, anxiety, despair, guilt, apathy, and/or grief, in addition to what many people would describe as typical "sadness."

Thats what depression really means. Seriously, she was a bright student. Very talented indeed and beautiful with snow-white skin. She had friends. No one knew what happened. She's alone everywhere she goes. Everyone was sad to see her in that state. No one likes to see their friend to be in this way. I really feel pity and useless for not being close to her. The least everyone can do, might help her.
It was too late now. Those who were or are her true friends, this is the time for you to be around her.
I can't continue no more. I feel like a useless garbage for all I am only blogging now and not really moving to go help her out or share.

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