Pumpkin soup,Chicken Chasseur,Black Forest.
Posted by - IaNtaN - | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, August 27, 2009
Some gr@phics m@y cont@in violence or gore. Viewers discretion is @dvised.
Look @t the size of th@t d@mn mushroom!
Squeeky cle@n @fter the m@ss murder.
S@uteing it for now. Not cooked yet JEREMY!!
Pumpkin soup to be served! Esther's @rt~~
Fine chopped p@rsley. Into love sh@pe. Wow. Someone's in love.
The end product of the whole G2. @wesome dishes.
Fin@l touch to be served.
@nd fin@lly, desserts, Bl@ck Forest. :)
Voil@. Goodbye Chef Loke. Th@nks for everything. :)
Look @t the size of th@t d@mn mushroom!
Squeeky cle@n @fter the m@ss murder.
S@uteing it for now. Not cooked yet JEREMY!!
Pumpkin soup to be served! Esther's @rt~~
Fine chopped p@rsley. Into love sh@pe. Wow. Someone's in love.
The end product of the whole G2. @wesome dishes.
Fin@l touch to be served.
@nd fin@lly, desserts, Bl@ck Forest. :)
Voil@. Goodbye Chef Loke. Th@nks for everything. :)